Saturday, March 8, 2014

Children's Destiny in a blended family

 The greatest joy a parent of any child can have is knowing that your child is doing something positive in life and following after what God has for their life. My children are a blessing to my heart beyond anything I could have asked or thought. Every child is born with a purpose and destiny from the Lord, however living in that destiny can be challenging, even for us as parents. When my 18 year old daughter came to us (myself and here stepdad) and told us she wanted to move to Mexico to be a missionary, I really had to go and seriously pray about that. Her biological father was not too happy about this decision (which is a understatement). My husband and I came to the decision that whatever God had for her in life was what we wanted most, so she moved to Mexico in August. She began working in a church, which lead her to other work with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Mexico City. There main focus to inform others, rescue and restore victims from sex trafficking. Her first encounter was helping in the recovery at one of their rescue homes. There she was in charge of 7 girls which were all 9 years old. Her heart was broken for these girls, knowing their past, their present and hoping to change their future. Since my daughter has been a part of this, my mission with blended families has changed a bit. Most of my work is done for these in slavery to find freedom, some of these girls that are rescued do not go back to their family, if they had one. They end up spending much time in recovery with their "new family". There they learn what true love, God's redeeming love is and have a plan and hope for their future. The opportunity to be able to give hope to these girls and to help others that are directly involved is my greatest mission. My daughter started a blog in order to raise money for this mission

Monday, June 3, 2013

Blended Blissfulness

            Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary
Our Years together have brought many trials and triumph, struggles and strengths, wilderness experiences and wisdom. God has truly blessed us, our children and our years together.  We started as 8 together and now we are 11. Nine years together for a blended family, many say, you will continue to survive and strive forward! We give all the glory to God for teaching and training us continually.
Thank you Craig for seeking first after God and sharing His love with me!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma Tornado

I just posted a few days ago that we were in tornado season. My heart goes out to all the people in Oklahoma. We never know exactly why tragedy happens, but when it does it seems most people all over the world want to help. Pray, Pray, Pray for all of the heart broken loved ones, the injured, and the extreme devastation. There are many other ways to help the people of Oklahoma. I have attached a link to my blog of the different ways to help. Oklahoma you do not have to carry this burden on your own!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday Morning

We got the privilege of hearing Jimmy Evans speak! He is amazing. Shares the Word in such an inspiring way. This week was about insecurity, which we all have in some form or another. Victory over insecurity - Turn to God, Embrace your weakness, Put faith in Gods Grace. Sounds so easy right... It can be, our insecurity is not always about winning in life but in God and knowing that you did your best with His direction!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Graduation Time

Two graduations within a week. 
College and pre-school, clearly part of a life planned to the minute.
At least boring has never entered the equation. 
 We are so blessed to be able to experience this!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother’s Day

Mothers Day

There is nothing like Mother’s Day! A Day definitely made by God! I am so very thankful that I have my mom to celebrate this special day. I am also thankful to God for allowing me to be a mother of so many, it is such an honor and blessing!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

     2013 College Graduation

I am so proud of Micheal Beling! He has over come so much in such a short amount of time and accomplished great things already! I am so excited to see where God will take you next! You are a inspiration not only all the kids in the family but to many all over the world. We love and miss you much Grands!