Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blended families

I decided to write , about a real issue in a "blended family". Being in  "blended families" is not all the "traditional" way of the "Brady Bunch" or the glitz and glamour of the  "Kardashian's" make it out to be. We could only times. Truthfully being a "blended family" has it's hardships, and one of those is missing out on the "older kids" and the lesser is financially. My husband got a call yesterday from both the older boys and we both immediately thought there might be something wrong. My husband calls them back, one did not answer, the other did. To our suprise there was no problem, just a coincidence. This feeling a relief, of course, however leaves a whole in our hearts, not being as connected...and here this is where the financial issue lies. This issue even on a traditional family can be a strain, however on a "blended family" can be much worse. We miss you, Kevin, Michael, and Caitlin.



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