Monday, April 29, 2013

Blended family

 Today we started with Dad taking Daniel to speech therapy, and taking the girls to school. I took the boys to church where they played at the Amazing Kids Center. Daniel loved pretending to be a fireman, Thomas climbed the boat with his friend, and Max showed a baby how to play baseball. After school Adriana and Gabriela got ready for the very last basketball game as a freshman and junior, both played very well. Tonight was a little different because my husband and I got to spend some adult time with our friends at the Deacon dinner. Approaching 11pm, having some reading time to wind down.

Deacon Dinner

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Blended family

The best part of my day today was that it was not a busy as yesterday! Started early again 7am. Adriana had to leave the house for her first basketball game and Victoria left early to volunteer at the church. My husband also had to leave early, he is a lead deacon at our church. Made breakfast for the younger kids, cleaned house, did laundry and played outside.  

My parents come by dropping off Gabriela and picking up Thomas. Gabriela and I went to watch Adriana’s second game then off to Gabriela’s game. My mom and husband texting me pictures of the younger kids. Thomas getting to climb his “mountain” and Daniel and Maxwell getting to go to the gym and eat ice cream.  Our day ends by relaxing at home at 8:00pm.

Life on Saturday

 Fun and long day! My highlights were taking Daniel and Max to the Colleyville Chili Cook Off. However we accomplished quite allot already. Today we had 4 basketball games between 2 of the girls, Adri and Gaby, and of course at different locations. My husband couldn’t help out due to a church mission trip meeting, which He is leading. He also was teaching a blended family class today at our church. The oldest in the house, Victoria, was unavailable as well due to trying out for the worship team. So there it left me... figuring out what to do with Max, 5yr, Daniel and Thomas, 4yr twins. 

Gabriela’s team

Up at 5, hit grocery store for breakfast food. Made 14 eggs, watermelon, cantaloupe and pancakes. Took Max and Daniel to Gaby’s 1st game. (Thomas went with my husband). More fun after at bounce house’s. Made lunch and got girls ready for next round of basketball games. Found rides for girls while the rest of the us went to church to teach the blended family class. Left class early with Max to drive 45 min. to Gaby’s last basketball game. On way home stopped to grab something to eat then dropped Gaby’s off at Mimi and Papa’s, finishing my day at 10:30.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Our blended family

   Beling   Bunch   
My husband and I  began our journey together 8yrs ago. 
He had 3, I had 3 and we had 3. 
If you didn’t catch that we now
have a total of 9 children all
together.  The life of a blended
family is by no means an easy
one. You encounter many 
issues that a “non” blended 
family will never have. By
God’s grace we are one. +Craig Beling +April Beling