Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma Tornado

I just posted a few days ago that we were in tornado season. My heart goes out to all the people in Oklahoma. We never know exactly why tragedy happens, but when it does it seems most people all over the world want to help. Pray, Pray, Pray for all of the heart broken loved ones, the injured, and the extreme devastation. There are many other ways to help the people of Oklahoma. I have attached a link to my blog of the different ways to help. Oklahoma you do not have to carry this burden on your own!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Sunday Morning

We got the privilege of hearing Jimmy Evans speak! He is amazing. Shares the Word in such an inspiring way. This week was about insecurity, which we all have in some form or another. Victory over insecurity - Turn to God, Embrace your weakness, Put faith in Gods Grace. Sounds so easy right... It can be, our insecurity is not always about winning in life but in God and knowing that you did your best with His direction!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Graduation Time

Two graduations within a week. 
College and pre-school, clearly part of a life planned to the minute.
At least boring has never entered the equation. 
 We are so blessed to be able to experience this!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother’s Day

Mothers Day

There is nothing like Mother’s Day! A Day definitely made by God! I am so very thankful that I have my mom to celebrate this special day. I am also thankful to God for allowing me to be a mother of so many, it is such an honor and blessing!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

     2013 College Graduation

I am so proud of Micheal Beling! He has over come so much in such a short amount of time and accomplished great things already! I am so excited to see where God will take you next! You are a inspiration not only all the kids in the family but to many all over the world. We love and miss you much Grands!

Mother's Day Tea

    Mother's Day Tea at Sonshine Acacemy

Nothing like being honored by your children for Mothers Day! The twins had a very special Mothers Day tea party with songs and videos. However my lovely boys cried and through themselves to the ground! I am pretty sure that they set off the entire crying spell. LOL  It was quite a show. When it was all over and time for cake they were completely happy. Loving boys!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Twins 4yr old Birthday

 Tomorrow is officially the Twins birthday, however Mimi and Papa come over tonight for a Birthday dinner and gifts! No Birthday can be better than with a Batman Cake! The boys were so excitted to play with their Avenger swords and shields. However the best was yet to come. They also got New Bikes! Yaaa Mimi and Papa - You Rock!

 The boys immediately took their bikes out side to ride them. There's Daddy taking pictures, and Myself helping Thomas learn how to pedal his new bike.  So blessed to have these boys!  Happy Birthday Daniel and Thomas!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Great Sunday

 A great morning at church, with a wonderful message about overcoming worry, anxiety, and fear from Pastor Jimmy Evans. We all need to hear about that, right?! Begin with God everyday to overcome worry, anxiety and fear.

In the afternoon, my husband took the girls to practice for their play that they will be performing in Germany on a mission trip.                              

Victoria and Zoe
In the evening Victoria and I got some alone time by going to her best friend’s graduation party. Congrats Zoe! We are so proud of you!

Thank you Mimi

 Yesterday was a great lazy day. We worked in the yard and then a package arrived for the boys, from their “faraway Mimi”.  The twins birthday package. They got new pj’s, that they had to put on immediately, and they got new books! The books had toys inside them. Thomas says to us, “this is the best day ever”! Thank you Mimi! We love and miss you. 
We ended our day by watching movies with a few of the big girls. Netflix and popcorn, the best.  The movie we watched really touched our hearts, “This is our Time”.  If you have not seen it, highly recommend. www.embraceavillage.org

Saturday, May 4, 2013

This week in our family has been a rough week. The current financial situation has been quite a strain. When faced with any issues in our life we have found that beyond our friends and family and strong faith in God, having an advocate in Blended Family Christian Counseling has reaffirmed the power of God’s Word in our life. Having a Christian Counselor who understands and is part of a blended family allows us to deal with issues that traditional Church counseling does not address. Thank you Doc and Linda for always being there for us!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blended families

I decided to write , about a real issue in a "blended family". Being in  "blended families" is not all the "traditional" way of the "Brady Bunch" or the glitz and glamour of the  "Kardashian's" make it out to be. We could only wish...at times. Truthfully being a "blended family" has it's hardships, and one of those is missing out on the "older kids" and the lesser is financially. My husband got a call yesterday from both the older boys and we both immediately thought there might be something wrong. My husband calls them back, one did not answer, the other did. To our suprise there was no problem, just a coincidence. This feeling a relief, of course, however leaves a whole in our hearts, not being as connected...and here this is where the financial issue lies. This issue even on a traditional family can be a strain, however on a "blended family" can be much worse. We miss you, Kevin, Michael, and Caitlin.

